Wednesday, September 20, 2006

San Francisco and surrounds

The last overseas stop on our holiday was San Francisco. We also visited here on our honeymoon but only for a couple of days. We really enjoyed it and decided we would visit again. It still wasn't long enough as it was three days over a weekend, but we made the most of it (i.e. I caught up with some hot rodding mates), did some shopping and strolled around a bit.

First thing I saw when we got out of the taxi was this stretched Chrysler 300C. There was actually two of them.

After a six hour flight, a two hour delay waiting for half our bags to arrive from NYC and then a one hour train ride I finally got to Sam's place. I've known Sam through various hot rod forums for a number of years and it was great to finally catch up with him in person. He's in the process of doing up a '55 Chev as an early 70s-style street racer. There's no doubt it'll be killer. That's Sam sitting down.

We did some shopping at Nordstrom's and while you wait for your wife to buy another pair of shoes you get to listen to some cool piano playing. Grand pianos are a fascinating piece of machinery.

Waiting to get on a tram in San Fran. The plan was to head down to the newly tarted up Port Building at Pier 1 and then walk up to Pier 39 to see if all the tourist junk was still there.

While we were waiting this very cool fire truck pulled up. Check it out! They flashed their lights while I was taking the pic, but I missed it.

The port building which is now full of restaurants and shops.

It's hard to tell in the pic, but this diner is fully polished. Very cool. Didn't stop for a meal though.

At Fisherman's Wharf looking out to Alcatraz. We visited Alcatraz on our honeymoon, so we didn't need to go there again.

After just missing the tram we had to wait over an hour for the next one (which was a bus). It got pretty crowded and there were lots of 'interesting' people getting on.

I had organised to meet up with Vern Tardel on the Monday up in Santa Rosa (about an hour's drive north of SF). Vern specialises in building traditionally styled hot rods, just how I like 'em, so I couldn't wait to check out his ranch and meet the guy. Everyone came along and Luka thought this Model A Tourer was very cool.

While I was there Vern started putting this '32 roadster body on its chassis. Although I'm sure they didn't need my help I jumped in anyway for the photo opportunity.

Luka got to choose a Hot Wheels car out of a big box. He picked a Fiat Topolino dragster, very cool choice. That's my boy!

We'd passed this Mel's drive-in on the way out to Santa Rosa and just had to go back for dinner and wait for the sun to go down so I could get a cool neon shot. Mel's was made famous by the film American Graffiti and although a little kitsch, the food was pretty good and the service great.

And finally one last shot of Luka and I sharing a beer. San Francisco Airport, Budweiser beer.

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed the pics and commentary from our little trip. If nothing else, we hope we've convinced some people that you can travel with a small child, have a great time and come home happy, still married and with some great memories.

Boris, Sue and Luka. 2006