Wednesday, July 26, 2006

New York, New York!

After an overnight stay in Helsinki it was off to New York, New York. We'd spent a week or so there on our honeymoon staying with a distant relative of Sue's right in Manhattan, so of course we got in touch with him again to see if we could freeload again!

We did give him plenty of warning that we would be travelling with a young child and thankfully he still invited us to stay. Robert's a confirmed bachelor and after a week admitted that Luka may well have changed his mind on kids. He has that affect on people. Anyway, we love NYC and had another great time checking this great city out, doing a bit of tourist stuff as well as just strolling around and getting amongst it.

We were a bit worried that Luka wouldn't fit in the bassinette towards the end of the trip. We were right!

A New York diner, can't remember the name, but it was on 3rd Ave somewhere in the 80s.

One of the more touristy things we did was go to the 'Top of the Rock'. On our honeymoon we went to the top of the Empire State Building, but the Rockefeller Center now offers a rooftop tour. It's another very cool art deco building and as you can see, the view's pretty good.

We got really lucky with the weather as the visibility was brilliant. It was pretty ordinary before we arrived and then the rest of the week we were there it was almost unbearable. Hot, humid and hazy, the worst part of New York. The subways were even worse, but thankfully the trains were all air-conditioned.

Part of the 'Top of the Rock' tour included a visit to Radio City Music Hall. I wasn't really that interested, but I'm glad Sue talked me into it. Just check out the tour guide, he was worth the entry fee on its own!

Some great statues are on display. Being made out of aluminum (the Yanks still can't say aluminium) was a very big deal back in the 1930s.

The artwork throughout the building is amazing. This is just the lift!

This is the Grand Foyer. Those chandeliers are something like 20-feet tall and can be lowered down on wires for cleaning and maintenance. The whole building is full of neat little tricks like that.

Radio City is famous for its toilets. The men's toilets have more masculine wallpapers and colours, while the women's are much more lady like.

We spent most of a day strolling through Central Park.

Luka entertaining some strangers at a cafe in Central Park.

Luka trying out an icy pole on the Great Lawn.


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